Marching Cubes
The marching cubes function is used to create a mesh from the given line input. Is it used to create a thickness that can be defined by the user, as well as the resolution.
Lines: Is the uploaded .obj file containing lines to be meshed by Marching Cubes algorithm.
Resolution: Is the integer value defining the resolution of the meshing operation. Lower value gives a more coarse result, whereas a higher value gives out a more refined result.
Member Thickness: Is a float value defining the radius of the line members being meshed.
Filename: Name of the resultant file of the meshed object.
A mesh file in .STL or .obj format.
For this example we use the built in cell editor to generate two different topologically equivalent lattice components from curves that we then populated a conformal lattice with (shown above)
cell_0 = 'cell_0.obj' cell_1 = 'cell_1.obj' genysis.genLatticeUnit(case=3,chamfer=0,centerChamfer=0,bendIn=0,cBendIn=0,connectPt=0,output=cell_0,token=token) genysis.genLatticeUnit(case=3,chamfer=1,centerChamfer=0,bendIn=0,cBendIn=0,connectPt=0,output=cell_1,token=token) lattice.setComponent("cell_0.obj") for i in range(len(attCrvs)): lattice.addCurveAttractor(cell_1,attCrvs[i],range=20) out_file_name = 'conformalLattice_0.obj' lattice.setOutput(out_file_name) lattice.populateLattice(token)
Once our input .obj file is prepared. We specify the resolution and member radius to run the marching cubes function and create a solid mesh.
finalLattice = 'LATTICE.obj' resolution = 500 memberRadius = .5 genysis.marchingCube(out_file_name,resolution,memberRadius,finalLattice,token)